Football to Lead the Change
/Grassroots football will be responsible for Australia’s biggest defibrillator rollout into any local Sporting Association or Community Group.
All 2 2 clubs from the St George Football Association ( SGFA ) will receive a defibrillator on Tuesday, March 8 in a quest to promote health awareness amongst its players in the wake of a growing spike in heart attack deaths on the football fields of Sydney and the Central Coast.
Forest Rangers F ootball Club O ver 35s player Matthew Richardson passed away in 2014 while playing at Gannons Park. Richardson was one of nine players to die on the pitch in the last two years. The inaugural Richo Cup was organised last year by Forest Rangers FC and Lugarn o FC and raised just over $20,000.
SGFA has donated $16,5 00 while David Coleman , MP for Banks , has assisted with a grant of over $10,000 from Stronger Community Programme fund and Nickolas Varvaris , MP for Barton, ha s indicated his support for grants to be put forward later this year.
This collaboration will ensure that every club in the electorates of Banks and Barton will have a Defibrillator in 2016. It’s the first time such a Community initiative will be undertaken in Australia.
Greg O’Rourke (Football NSW Chairman) will be a special guest at the Presenta tion along with Dave Coleman (Member for Banks), Nick Varvaris (Member for Barton), Mark Coure (Member for Oatley) and members of the SGFA Board & Management.
Date: 8 March 2016 – 7.00pm Location: St George Masonic Club - 86 Roberts Rd, Mortdale RSVP: Cra ig Kiely , SGFA General Manager : 9529 - 2922 or 0406 533 050 –